The road to Samburu is long and dry. Very dry. It took us about four hours to drive from Sweetwaters at Ol Pejeta Conservancy to Samburu...
Another harrowing bus trip and we arrived in Jaipur. The trip was made somewhat easier by the local who sat next to us and offered us chips and biscuits...
The first time we came to Italy I couldn't wait to get out of there. It was hot, dirty and we got ripped off everywhere we went - and...
We survived the trip from Samburu to Lake Nakuru with nothing but a mobbing at the Isoilo checkpoint by a woman trying to sell us bananas and a man...
I've lost Adrian. Not lost him entirely. I know he's here at Qutb Minar with me. I just can't actually see him. You see we've been swamped...
Within minutes of arriving in the Masai Mara, we hear word that a leopard has been spotted somewhere off in the distance. It's an impromptu game drive...
We finally made it to Myanmar. After months of planning and talking about our girls' holiday, here we are. What a different holiday this will be - a girls'...
When we first started telling people we were heading to Peru the most common question we got was 'Why?". Even people who had hears of Machu Picchu...
We were sad to say goodbye to York, but our road trip with the in-laws had to continue and Edinburgh was calling. So, we piled back into the Peugeot...
Ade was very excited about heading to India - not so much for the Ganges or the Taj Mahal, but for the opportunity to see tigers! So we had set...