Without wanting to state the obvious, America and Canada are really BIG! It can be easy to think of the US as one large region of movie and sitcom locations but actually exploring the country is completely different to watching it on a screen.

If you’re anything like us, you probably think you know the US and its people because of what you’ve seen on television.

Afterall, in Australia at least, some part of America or at least one of its people is on our TV screens every hour of every day.

We had a real ‘meh’ relationship with the US. Until we visited, that is. And while we haven’t spent much time at all in the country it’s definitely one place that thoroughly exceeded our expectations.

From New Yorkers offering to help us with directions, to Tiffany staff giving us tourist advice it was a real surprise pot.

Conversely, we were not surprised by Canada. We expected beauty and warmth, from the people at least, and we got it. I had a real ‘wow’ moment when I saw Lake Louise for the first time and Canada just kept delivering those moments.

I’ll leave the final word to our travel mate Ben who described the parks in the US as “pants-wettingly beautiful”. We think that’s true of Canada and the US.

Wander North America with us…


United States